Ringvorlesung von der Idee bis zur Gründung (en)

Gründungsfabrik (online) , Deutschland

The whole startup life is a pitch. In this lecture we want to show and critically discuss with you which different pitches do exist, which elements a perfect pitch should include and which mistakes you should avoid.

GründungsfabrikBrunch #5 (en)

Gründungsfabrik (online) , Deutschland

Gründer*in werden – Teilzeit oder Vollzeit?! Hast Du Dir überlegt, ob Du eine Auszeit von Deinem Job oder Deinem Studium nimmst, um an Deinem Traum bzw. Deiner eigenen Geschäftsidee zu arbeiten? Man braucht viel Mut und Entschlossenheit, um sich dafür zu entscheiden, Gründer*in zu werden. Dazu muss überlegt werden, ob der Gründende die ganze Zeit […]

Ringvorlesung von der Idee bis zur Gründung

Gründungsfabrik (online) , Deutschland

The investor perspective! As a founder it is important to know how investors tick! Join us for the interview with an experienced technology investor and get valuable insights about the investors’ mindset.

Drink Innovation Challenge

Gründungsfabrik (online) , Deutschland

Ever heard of the spicy mate tea pop? Neither have we. But maybe you're already tingling with an ingenious idea for an unprecedented non-alcoholic drink that also thinks about the environment. And you think: This has to be bottled and discovered by thirsty people. Here is your chance. We are looking for the Beverage 2022 […]

Product compliance for start-ups – How to mitigate product liability risks

Hybrid: Gründungsfabrik & Online Winkelerstraße 100b, Geisenheim, Deutschland

Infringements of product compliance can lead to considerable costs and reputational damage, which can severely affect start-ups. This event provides an overview of product safety and product liability law in Germany and Europe and outlines practical strategies to prevent product liability risks at an early  stage.