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Program & Events

Our tasks include: raising awareness, qualifying, motivating and networking. Whether you have an innovative idea and want to follow-up on it or you are going to take over your family’s business – we provide key information in regular events and give you the opportunity to present your ideas and get to know other founders and regional partners.

Our programs and events are offered in German and English, depending on the interest of international students.


Our programs build on each other and are intended for all people who are interested in founding a company, with or without a specific business idea.

Lecture Series:
From Business Idea to Business Start-up

This lecture series takes place every week and is open for all those interested in setting up their own business – with or without a specific idea. For 90 minutes, experts and lecturers discuss topics that are relevant for start-up entrepreneurs.  The lectures are intended for students with a general interest in the topic. External guests and founders are always welcome

All participants who have attended 15 or more of the lectures will receive a certificate of attendance.  

Drink Innovation Challenge 2023

Together with experts in beverage research and sustainability, the Gründungsfabrik Rheingau, a joint project of Geisenheim University of Applied Sciences and EBS University, invited students, staff and alumni of both universities to take part in the “Drink Innovation Challenge 2023” (DIC) ideas competition. Under the motto “Your Drink comes true”, innovative, sustainable and alcohol-free beverage innovations were sought … and found.

On 21 June, the winners were determined in the final pitch event. Here is the story…

We are planning a DIC again for 2024. So stay tuned for updates.

Founder Programs: From Business Idea to Business Plan

In this intensive, hands-on workshop for founders we use latest coaching methods to help you turn your idea into reality with a validated business model. During three weekends over a period of three months, you will gain practical insights into the following topics:

  • Target group approach
  • pricing
  • financial forecasting
  • pitch strategy

Afterwards, you will have the opportunity to pitch your idea in front of a professional jury and receive individual feedback.

After the workshop you will have:

  • Access to a network of various mentors, coaches, business angels, investors, bankers, suitable incubators and accelerators,
  •  expert contacts from various fields of science and business,
  •  different perspectives on your business idea 
  • a sophisticated 3-year financial plan, suitable for banks and other investors
  • defined milestones for the next steps.

The workshop is free of charge for students, alumni and employees of Hochschule Geisenheim University and EBS University.

We want to make sure that this is the right program for the current state of your idea. Therefore, we ask you in advance for a digital interview to learn more about your motivation and commitment. During the interview, we want to know:

What is your business idea?

Why are you your own best customer?

Why do you want to participate in this workshop?

Register for the calendar

Entrepreneurial Women DO EXIST

Are you a woman with a head full of dreams about your own company, but there is still something missing to finally make it happen? We are here for you!

We are designing a yearly program dedicated to aspiring female founders that will indicatively start in November/December 2023. With that we are answering the call from EXIST Initiative to foster female-founded startups in Hessen.

What is planned? Workshops, coaching and mentoring sessions, networking events and much more.

We are searching for indicative candidates until end of August 2023. Reach out to us!



Our wide range of events includes various kinds of sessions, from inspiring networking to start-up competitions in front of a jury. All of our events are offered free of charge for all founders and those interested in founding.


StartUp and Connect

„Gründungsfabrik Rheingau, the EBS Career Service Center and the EBSpreneurship Forum 2024 are hosting this Internship Pitch Event: Your entry into the startUp ecosystem.

Rheingau Founder Award (“Rheingauer Gründungspreis”)

In cooperation with the Rheingauer Volksbank as well as regional partners, we are organizing the Rheingau Start-up Award again this year with the aim of setting up the region in a sustainable and future-oriented manner as well as promoting innovative ideas.

More than 20 teams have applied for the final on November 28th in the “Neues Forum” of the EBS University in Oestrich-Winkel. If you would like to be there when the winners are chosen, we would be pleased to receive your registration.


You want to become part of our community or have further questions? We are looking forward to your message!

WHERE: Winkeler Straße 100b, 65366 Geisenheim

WHEN: from 9am, Monday – Friday

PHONE: 0672 24024052